A small experiment with short stories towards Humanity

January 26, 2012

"On The Other Side Of The Wall"

It was 26th January, i was thinking since last few days to capture images of celebrations. I was out on the streets by 6am to capture images along with my friend. Happened to see school children, Political leader, Auto guys & Police officials etc, they all were busy in preparing for celebrations.

Also Discovered the unfortunate truth "On The Other Side Of The Wall".

"On The Other Side Of The Wall", happened to see many children, but not school children this time, they were street vendors selling related stuff for the celebrations, specially appointed by their parents. The truth is after talking to them, none of them showing any interest of what they are doing, they were only watching "On The Other Side of The Wall" and they were curious to know what is happening and how to get there.?. They want to be students and not vendors, they were seeing at their age group school children and they are just Seeing....Seeing.!

A girl, standing near school wall and watching at the school children who are 'on the other side of the wall'. I asked that girl.? why you are standing here.? because ,I am curious and i want to see what is going to happen there (inside the school). Answer is clear.!

We all know and read about such incidents, but i experienced this personally by meeting them. And some point the folds should get unfold.

A smile in every children's face will bring down the wall :)     Click here to view the images